The Bitcoin: Cyber Currency for Cyber Crime?

The Bitcoin is coming of age. That odd, bankless virtual currency that up till now ahs been largely the darling of computer geeks and financial rebels forging new digital marketplaces based on the Bitcoin now has a shady side, as the FBI seizes over three million of...

Cyber Crime and You: Avoiding Identity Theft

One of the most disturbing trends related to internet crime is the fact that so few people are disturbed by it; a recent survey revealed that most respondents wrote off cyber crimes such as common scams and “phishing,” or collecting personal information using...

Cyber Crime: Taking a Toll on the Economy and You

According to a recent study from Norton Cyber on Internet identity theft and other types of Internet crime, 2011 statistics from 24 developed countries reveal that total online losses to various forms of cyber crime topped $388 billion. In the US alone, the same...