Shady Trading Bilks Small Investors

In the end, Secure Investment was neither. The popular currency trading site for small investors vanished in early 2014, never to return. It took more than $1 billion in users’ money with it, and the situation offers a graphic demonstration of how to spot a financial...

Old Scams Still Snare New Victims

It’s said there’s nothing new under the sun. And that seems to be true in the world of financial scams and frauds, where new victims continue to get caught in variations of old scams that have beep around for years. The Internet has only made it easier for scam...

Marijuana Goes Legit and Stock Scams Follow

Marijuana is now legal in 20 states, and more are sure to follow. As pot goes mainstream, so does the money associated with it – and that means doors are opening for investors to get in on the ground floor with the Next Big Thing. And where legitimate investing...

Cyber Crime and You: Avoiding Identity Theft

One of the most disturbing trends related to internet crime is the fact that so few people are disturbed by it; a recent survey revealed that most respondents wrote off cyber crimes such as common scams and “phishing,” or collecting personal information using...