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Paul Mladjenovic is a CFP, national seminar leader, author and consultant. Since 1981, his specialties have been investing, financial planning and home business issues. Paul has written Stock Investing For Dummies (all four editions), Zero-Cost Marketing, Precious Metals Investing For Dummies, the Job Hunter’s Encyclopedia and the latest book, Micro-Entrepreneurship For Dummies.

Key Takeaways:

[4:11] How living in a communist country helped him in investing in a capitalist market

[10:41] What he’s seeing now that concerns him

[18:07] How you need to do some diversifying in more than just your stocks

[26:27] The $50/month investing plan that will make you much better off in the long term

[30:58] The pension danger

[33:51] If the dollars reign as the reserve currency is in jeopardy

[38:08] Why you should own at least some gold

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